The      Temple   of    God

                                                                                                a     theoretical      framework     for    history    


A consideration, comment and analysis for history being the Temple of God.  The references will be the Holy Bible and the Compendium of World History

by Dr. Herman Hoeh ( Vol. 1& 2).

History has four strands - Biological, Geological, Astro - Physics and Social.  A short version -

* Astro- physics - 'a finely tuned universe' ( New Scientist, June 28, 2018) - the big bang ( something from nothing?) - a one in one hundred thousand

trillion chance.(?).  Laws had to be affective from the word - go. ( Bill Bryson (1) ' How to build a Universe' + Stephen Hawking ' A brief History of time'

plus Steven Weinberg.  Nothing physical could explain the initial expansion.

* Geological - Tectonics, Volcanism, rock strata and erosion - the Earth had a beginning.  Coal and Oil ( Organic) require extraordinary circumstances. Thirty prerequisites for life to

exist (?) - currently at two hundred ( Eric Metaxas).  Estimated five major extinction episodes, plus the volcanic ' Toba' events ( 73,000 yrs ago - ' The Great Courses')

* Biological - 99% of all species are extinct.  Murphy's law is more relevant than the theory of uniformitarianism.  No organic soup will produce life.

Law of biogenesis - life comes from pre -existing life.  Nothing simple about life - the human body consists of 200,000+ proteins each consisting of 100

to 1000 amino acids each arranged in the sequence necessary to be affective. ( 1.)  The amazing power to reproduce.  Some scientists have noted the

complexity of DNA - ' the DNA molecule is an amazing information storage system which encodes its own reading system, without which DNA would be

useless' - Dr. John Ashton - ' Evolution impossible and in six days - who 50 scientists choose to believe in creation'.

* Social - recorded history covers a biblical timeframe and scheme.


History to begin with is a puzzle.  Like any jigsaw the outline is the easiest.  What is the overall framework and what is it based upon?  Solomon had an

academic insight into the ' spirit of wisdom'.  To what extent does God's spirit influence events?  What is an historic door, gate or pillar? ( Prov. Ch 1-12).

God's spirit is noted as - the seven spirits before God's throne or the seven spirits sent into all the earth.  Jesus calls her 'the comforter' and defines her

affects.  John notes three bearing witness in heaven and three on the earth - the water, blood and spirit - reflects on Jesus' death and resurrection - the





Adam 4009 B.C.

                                       Altar                                                   Holy  Place                                                        Most Holy





                         Moses  1489              Hezekiah 709 B.C.             The Entrance               2000 yrs                               1000 yrs                100 yrs

                2520 yrs                  780 yrs                                    9/7 B.C. - 70 A.D.


So what is an historic pillar, gate or door?  The Bible interprets itself, otherwise by observation and consideration.  A pillar can be 75/7 yrs - Abram and Jacob - the

' anointed pillar stone' or 4 yrs - Jacob's 96/100th yr - ' the heap of witness'; - Solomon's pillar chapiters included 96/100 pomegranates at one stage ( Jer.). A pillar of 130 yrs

( usually 80 +50) - Moses at Mt. Sinai.  A gateway can be any no. of years; a doorway a specific gate of 30 yrs - Josiah and Acts of the apostles ( 31/ 62 A.D.)

Other features can be a focal year ( Noachian deluge/ Moses at Mt Sinai) or years, and watershed years -2/3 yr periods - Pentecost ( Mt Sinai - day/yr).

The focus is on a framework rather than specific years.  A common feature is transposing yrs and days ( Ezekiel).  A prophetic year is 360 days ( same as pre flood) or

seven times ( years) is 2520 yrs.  A connecting link can be an ' acceptable' period ( mult. of 50 yrs), a prophetic period, a name, a number or the event.  Historical data

is reasonably accurate; still some areas more puzzling than others.  Most events will relate to the Compendium ( can be downloaded).  The focus will be where we are headed.

# = see latter. (?) = unknown source. 


The initial pillar is Adam and Seth( 4009 -3879 B.C.).  The name Seth has Egyptian connections - Isis, Osiris and Seth.  Opens a consideration for 6000 yrs to major pillars -

1910/2 -1989 and 1914- 1991/2 ( Russian/ European, Chinese and Middle eastern.) and doorway - 1990/2 - 2020/2 A.D. ( 5900 yrs).  The Egyptian ' Seth' is associated with

chaos, violence.  Adam was a discrete creation.  We don't have a pre -existence.  We have a ' spiritual essence' that imparts intellect.  As humans were created after the ' God kind'

and as such subject to spiritual laws.  Eating the forbidden tree ended in the Noachian deluge -a possible 1to 2 billion + lives lost - until their resurrection with the rest of humanity

( Rev.).  The ten patriarchs to Noah measure 1656 yrs, with a 3 to 4 yrs positive variance to solar years - so 1660 yrs - 2349 B.C.  A no. of dates can connect with post flood individuals

e.g. Jared - 3548/7 B.C. and Arpachshad - 2347 B.C.  Adam, Enosh and Enoch connect with Jesus - 9/7 B.C. ( Entrance pillar) - 27/31A.D. ( 4000, 3800 and 3350 yrs - 3320 B.C.).

Enoch prophesied Jesus' second coming ( Jude) - connection?  Name connections between Adam and Cain's linage.  Opens a pillar - 3386/5 - 3379 -3309 B.C. - Lamech's 77/7.

Currently 2015/6 - 2022 A.D.  Tubal has a post flood connection with Russia ( 2. The origin of Nations - History research projects).  300 yrs from Peter 'the great' ( 1701 - 1721/2),

or 5300 yrs to 1914/ 21-3 -1992.  A Polish/ Russian 1054/6 days ( Aug 14/16, 1920 - July 6, 1923) -  from 966/9 - 988 -1109 A.D.? 

A fall of Isis ( June 29, 2014 -Nov 17/ Dec. 10, 2017).  The groups eschatology includes - a final day of judgment.  Isis, Osiris and Seth = Semaramis, Nimrod and Shem.

Shem executed Nimrod - the post flood cult figure.  Unfortunately, western tradition comes from him - Christmas and Easter ( Ishtar) - Jer. and 'The Two Babylons' by A. Hislop.

The future person of interest is known as ' the Beast' - coming from Greco - Roman culture ( Dan.). He is noted for a fierce countenance, for events leading to Jesus' return.

The Euphrates r. has a connection to Eden as well as the ' Day of the Lord'.  A no. of events in Iraq have already occurred - 1979 - 1991 +.  How long did it take Noah to build

the Ark?  Some suggest 120 yrs.  Could also refer to the estimated age for man after 2520 yrs as a result of the flood - Moses.  More likely 60 yrs as God already mentions his sons, or

1600 yrs from Adam.  Another pillar eludes to that ( 539- 457- 409/6 B.C.).  The rebuilt temple occurred over nearly 1600 days ( 24/6 ( Sept.), 521 B.C. - 3/12 (Feb.), 516 B.C.

and 5400 temple vessels. (forward from Enoch).  The name Seti/ Sethos appears in Egyptian dynasties.  Usually concluding points - 1326 -1076 B.C. and 665 -524 B.C.  Jude mentions

Moses and Joshua as points of judgment ( 1489/49 B.C. - 2520/60 yrs).  From 539/499 B.C.?  Jesus returns as ' King of Kings' - on par with Persian monarchs +.

Some have noted Dan. 5:26/8 as 126 shekels or 2520 gerahs ( a Mina = 50 shekels).  Time of two significant religions - Zoroastrianism and Buddhism.  Conventional dates

for their lives has prophetic connection - both around 30 = Ezekiel.  They both recognise good and evil deities - Mara and Ahura Mazda, with the good winning.  Possible

contemporary connection through Josiah and subsequent Islamic events -  ( 628/ 598 and 566/537 B.C. have been given).  Jainism follows the same format -  traditional dates

of 599 or 540 B.C.  Individuals achieving ' enlightenment'.  2520 yrs + 42/72 yrs?  The other 'Persian/ Indian' doorway - 553/1 -522 B.C. - 2520 yrs + 55 yrs ( Ezek. 11/12 yrs).

Any meaningful connections? - possibly Jared's birth ( 3548 B.C.) or 1200 yrs to the flood.   So we can have a 1200 + 60 yrs (  the Ark), and a subsequent 1200 + 60 yrs

( Jepthah and his daughter - 1149 - 1089 B.C.).  Can be a connection - Jepthah and Japheth ( 1181/79 -1149 -1122/19 B.C. - Greek/ Chinese).  A possible 1258/9 - 64 yrs

from Mahalalel - Lamech ( 3613 - 2355/4 - 49  ) and subsequently from 2355/4 - 1096/ 91-89 B.C.  Lamech's life would indicate a doorway 3385/55 B.C. or 1000 yrs.  65 yrs

( 3613 - 3548) is half of 130.  3385/55 B.C.?  - 1914/5 - 45 A.D. plus the 1036 yrs and Enoch's 300 yrs - Russian 988 and 1721/2 A.D. ?        


The next pillar is Noah/ Peleg (2349 -2218 B.C.).  Some source(?) puts Noah exploring from the Black sea in 2269 B.C. with Italy settled 2261 B.C.  Gives credence for the Ark

at 2269 B.C. ( 140 yrs).  A significant period - Moses ( Mt. Sinai - passover to coming down the mount the second time - 140 days). 

The beginning of current civilisation - Korea - 2333 B.C. ( Ency. Brit.), Egypt - 2222 B.C., Mesopotamia - 2256/4 B.C., Europe - 2214 B.C. and China - 2204 B.C.

Shem was definitely the dominant figure - only dying 27 yrs before Abraham.

The next pillar is Abram -1995- 1921/19 B.C.  A no. of individuals connect back to Adam - 2009/ 1979 and 1909/ 1879 B.C.  A no. of significant doorways - 1968/38 B.C.

( Mesopotamian) and 1945/15 B.C. ( Spanish/ Austrian).  Conclusion of both are candidates for Abram's war to rescue Lot.  A 318 member attack force or 318 yrs from Babel

2256/4 - 2233 B.C. ( Astronomical observations begin).  The flow would indicate the latter - the biblical framework.  Spain has a no. of  Hebrew connections for this period

including toward David and a local 26 yr famine ( 1089 - 1064 and 1039 - 1012 B.C. - for significant periods).  We can also identify a ' pillar of Hercules' -  1884/3 -1807 B.C.

Two  periods - 1884/3 -1849 B.C. and 1089 -1064 B.C. both involving giants.

Most events focus on a conclusion - 2167/37 ( Era of Semaramis) - 1828 B.C. - 339 yrs; 2222 - 1899(96) 1892 B.C. ( Egypt/ Sodom) - 330 -23/326 yrs.  Relevant to the end time?

From 1683/1714 ( Austrian/ Spanish) or 1685/ 1715 ( Anglo/ French).  The pillar to the Nine yrs war ( 1620 - 1688/97 A.D.).  William III - 1695 - 1702.

Also the time for Sir Isaac Newton ( 1642 -1727 A.D.) - celestial bodies - 318 yrs from 1707 A.D.  or 337 and 349 yrs from 1675/ 87 A.D. ( Isaac 1896 -1884 B.C.) ?

and of an Ottoman peace - Aug.16, 1717 - July 21, 1718 (339 days).

The events include Poland up to 1733/6 A.D.  Most European nations are a mixture of ancient tribes - some suggest Elam/ Peleg for Poland (2.) - So 333 yrs (2248 - 1915 B.C.).

Lot is Poland's national airline.  Eber ( Hebrew) and Peleg ( Pelasgians) are connected names with an Israelite connection to Saul ( I Sam.13) and Solomon ( the major Mediterranean

sea power during their reigns) - 1260 yrs -( 2349 B.C. - 1089 B.C.- Michmash).  Poland should have reference to Eber ( 2282/69- 2248 B.C.) - 367 yrs - 1654/58 -1667 A.D.

The German reference to ' Deutschland' refers back to Shem.  The focus for deliverance is Jesus' return - 140 yr periods -

1968/38 - 1828 B.C.; 2035 - 1899/2 B.C.; 1945/15 - 1806/3 B.C. ( Austrian) and 821 - 681 B.C. ( Joel/ Sennacherib).  Jesus returns as the ' Prince of peace' - very few generations

haven't seen war.  There's a current connection for Austria/ Spain and Joseph - 1945 - 1634 B.C. ( 311 yrs) with 1711/41 A.D.

Jesus' return can be considered a watershed - two years either side.  A consideration for 339, 333, 326 and 318 yrs. From 1683/5, 1689, 1697 and 1704/7.

A combination of Egyptian and Mesopotamian events have interest - 2167/37 -   1777 - (1748/18) -1717 - 1657/27 B.C. ( 390, 60 and 150 yrs).



The Noachian deluge is an inescapable focal year.  The main reference is ' The Genesis flood' by Whitcomb and Morris and any no. of online sources.

The points of inference that can be made:

* a pre- Adamic thermospheric aqueous envelop - less u/v, milder climate worldwide, no cyclones, tornadoes and with a longer life span and why it could rain for 40 days

* a dramatic change in temperature, with violent wind gusts - extinction of mammals and quick frozen mammoths.

* Tectonics - the geography of Eden would indicate. Submarine canyons formed by lowering of the sea floor has been suggested.

* Some large ripple marks are found in Oregon and Kazakstan believed due to ice dam bursts.  Post flood affect? - tectonics and  hurricane force winds.  Washington scablands

show immense water flow.  The ice dam needed to be 600/ 700m ( Wikipedia). A rock/ earth dam from scoured material?

*  Historically more water around - Early Irish/ Vikings ( Black - Baltic seas).  Areas and rivers can show either large former lakes and wider flow.  Some Black sea shore

levels are 750' above current levels ( NETBible: Deluge of Noah).

* Peat bogs and terrestrial salt - can be considered as an inundation by the ocean or the evaporation from a large body of water - the Q. is when?

* a change in orbit -from 360 to 365.25 yrs.  The Mayan ' prediction' for 2012 from 3114 B.C. - 13(144,000)days.  If you consider a 360 day yr and an inherent variance of

260/ 520 yrs ( Ency. Brit) you can come to 3385 B.C.  The Mayans had a connection to Dan. I ( Danish king - contemporary of Solomon). Their calendar was 360 + 5 days.

* Glaciation is a significant part of geology.  Some evidence for former oceanic water trapped under Antarctic ice.  How would a mile deep snow pack appear after 4300 yrs?

* What cultures don't have a record of ' the flood'?

* Biblically major orogeny can be either flood related or the recreation - ' let dry land appear'. Was the Grand Canyon formed by the erosion of the Colorado R.?; even Geologists

 raise doubts - more likely a sudden uplift and receding flood waters.  Some suggest a more even topography pre flood. 

* Australian aboriginal culture and lower sea levels ? - observation of coastal flood debris sands ( Spencer's Gulf/ Port Phillip +) from early occupation?

 ( Nicolas Reid / Charles Darwin Uni.).  Can you expect rock to form from flood debris?; soil ( Russian tundra) and sand are a different matter. A no. of inland rivers have beaches.

The continent has a proliferation of salt lakes.


The next pillar is Jacob - 1835/4 - 1758 B.C.  Both pillars have 1260 yr connections - 1920 -660 B.C.( Assyria, India and Japan) and 1834 -574 B.C. ( a fall of Tyre). 

His life connects with the schematics of 'the flood'.  Also 1550 yrs from Enoch.  The main doorway would be 1748/18 B.C. - 500 yrs from Peleg.  The events have a

Mesopotamian connection ( note his gifts to Esau) - 1968(58)38 B.C. - 1758 /38 - 200, 220 yrs; or Esau's 400 men ( from 2167/37 B.C.).

Could also include 1777/48 B.C. ( 10/40 yrs ).  A no. of Egyptian dynasties were for 140 yrs.  God extended Job's life by 140 yrs - most likely 1744 - 1604 B.C. to coincide with

Joseph.  God revealed His creation to Job - we have more understanding but seem enamoured by C 19th theorists.

Also from Jacob/ Joseph - 1260 yrs ( 1744/14; 1734/04 B.C.) - 474/44 B.C. ( Ester/ Nehemiah) and Greek/ Persian - 486/55 B.C.

220/1 yrs also connects with Egypt ( the famine) 1919 -  1706/1699 B.C.  Discrepancy with the compendium.  Transposing pharaohs may do the trick. 140+ 220 = 360.

Egypt and Israel ( Judah) are both at risk from a northern power ( Dan. 11:41-) - a coming war - both need to be delivered.

A flow of acceptable periods - Noah and Shem ( 350/500 yrs).  Contemporary connections?  Possibly from Nahor ( 2156/27 B.C.) - 4150 yrs, and the flow between Eber

(2282(69) 2248 B.C.) and Abraham - 350/ 450 yrs.  Polish from 1572/4 and 1674 ( Jan Sobieski).  Descendants of Abraham can include northern Europeans through

Keturah -  including some Germans and Balts. (2).  Currently the 350 yr pathway has more significance - 75 yrs from the Israeli war of independence ( 1948/9 A.D.).

Polish events go to 1772 -1793/5 ( 1st French republic) or 1260 yrs from 535 A.D. ( Tectonics).  Australia's highest Mt. is named after a Pole.

The schematics of 'the flood'  - 150/ 224/220 and 147 days.  Subsequent -  Jacob (1834 - 1687 B.C.); 220 - as above; 224/5 Joseph - ( 1714/3 B.C. - 1489 B.C.). 

Contemporary? - possible.  Currently - 1795, 1804 and 1877 A.D. and 1862/5 -75 ( U.S. /French).  From Isaac to Joseph ( 1895 - 1744 B.C.).  Isaac lived 180 yrs.  Opens a

doorway for 1260 yrs ( Sodom/ Shem) for Mesopotamia  - 1896/66 - 606/4 B.C.  180/50 has a current Australian/ N.Z. connection.

From Jacob to Moses ( 1834 -1489 B.C. -345 yrs).  Britain, Denmark and Eire join EEC.  ( 1972 -  345 days).  From 1679/81 A.D.?

Noah built an Altar after the flood.  Through Joseph/ Jacob we come to the next fixture - The Altar.

225  and ( 40 +7+7 = 1758 -51- 44 -1704 B.C. + 215 yrs (reversal) to 1919 B.C. or forward to 1489 B.C.).


The Altar (1489 -709 B.C.) - 780 yrs.  Greek and Italian events coincide -  1556 -776 ( Athens and Olympics.).  753 B.C. ( Greek/ Italian focal year) back to 1503. 

The Altar concludes with a doorway (739/09 B.C. - Ahaz, Hezekiah) - 750/80  yrs.  The central pillar - 1221/19 -1139- 1089 B.C. - Gideon, and Philistine wars -

Aphek and Michmash.  1260 yrs - from 2349 B.C. and toward 31/41 A.D.  268 and 350 yrs from 1489 B.C.; subsequently, 821 and 739 B.C. -Joel and Ahaz,

or connecting names of Jotham and Joash and  952 B.C. ( Abijah). Samuel's two sons - Joel and Abia.

Biblical incongruences ? - Matthew's lineage for Jesus - leaves out kings before Uzziah; Baasha and Asa -35/6th yr? - should be 25/6th and

Ehud's 80 yrs - for the context being lost - the pillar 1349 -1269- 1221/19 B.C. ( 1000 yrs from ' the flood' - and a rest period of 42 yrs from 1331 B.C.). - toward 9/7 B.C. -

Gideon being the link ( Peace Altars - Gideon and Augustus).  The prophets define Israel's shortcomings and restoration.  An Altar is cleansed over 7 times ( 2520 yrs) - 1782/1812 A.D.

A mainly Anglo - American connection and their subsequent ascendency.  Search ' U.S. and Britain in prophecy'.  Where did Israel go after 721/18 B.C.?  Some gained their

independence with Median revolts as soon as 699 B.C.,  and headed east of the Caspian (2.).  Some authors connect Cimmerians with Israel - hordes that ravaged Asia Minor in the

C7th B.C.  Can be a theoretical connection - Hosea links Israel with Gomer ( 2. S.E. Asia), contemporarily as ' a day of the Lord' - any no. of 140 yrs periods;  also in a positive sense -

sharing in Israel's promises ( Rom 9:26).

A no. of Asian nations connect with an Anglo - American pathway from 1753/83 A.D. - Burma, Thai, Japan and Korea.  In this context Vietnam is relevant 1772/ 1802 A.D.

The foundation of the Candlestick of the Commonwealth of Israel - central branch - 1793/5 -1930/1 ( 1st French republic/ British Commonwealth).    The flow of the

' Mighty angel' ( Rev.).  Angels have mass sufficient to cause tectonics - 535 A.D. ( Indonesia) -1783 ( Japan/ Iceland) -1793/5 - 1815 -1883 ( Indonesia).  133/7 yrs connects

with Levi - Moses' lineage.  A subsequent Bosporus Cimmerians ( from 438 B.C.) does have an Israelite connection ( Northern Black sea), through Spartacus

( Third Mithridatic war -74 -64 B.C.) -  from Spartocus I - 374/340 yrs ( 404 B.C.).  A prophetic period ( Ezekiel 10/11th yr -374 days); Subsequent? - 1683/5 A.D.+ and

1620 /50 A.D. ( Anglo/ Dutch)+ -  deliverance from Roman oppression. A related event would be June 10/ July10, 1584 - Aug. 17/20, 1585 ( 433/6 days - D. of Anjou d./

assass. of Orange - siege of Antwerp - Tr. of Nonsuch) - from 1558/88 A.D. ( Q. Elizabeth I) and a possible Spanish/ Dutch (1560/1 -1590/1) - 1596/7 A.D. - Armada's destroyed. 

Celts can connect with Israel - (Jeremiah had an Irish visit in the C6th B.C.) - sack of Rome (390 B.C.) and Galatian incursions (279 B.C.),

though in these cases mainly Germanic.  An early commission of the Apostles was to the ' lost sheep of the House of Israel' - where?  Peter went to Babylon ( Parthia); upper

Asia minor ( the area Paul was excluded from).  Caucasus, Crimea -( Scot's patron saint is Andrew), Nth Africa, Spain, Britain, Ireland and Gaul.  Subsequent migrations

appear toward 256 -300 A.D.  and 449 ( both Saxon).  There's a 390/400 yr connection for European events  (13 B.C. - 9 A.D.) to  378, 410 and (425 -49 -55 A.D.)

 - from 25/55 A.D.


The next pillar is prophetic - 593 -516 B.C. ( Ezekiel/ Haggai - Zechariah) - follows the ' years of their iniquity' -  a cleansing of the Altar.  The schematics of Ezekiel measure

( 5 -12th yr) - 2349 days from Trumpets ( 1/7) 593 B.C.  Plus an additional '700' days - 25/27th year.  It has significance for prior and subsequent events (Rev. 11:1 - 'measure the

Altar and the Temple').  The pathway connects with the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Begins with 330/ 358 yrs via Roman events.  Why Rome? - the Temple was made of Shittim

wood - the Roman's connect with Chittim ( Dan.).  So 593 B.C. - 264/3 B.C. ( Punic wars/ Pergamum) - 95/6 A.D. ( The Revelation/ Titus - Domitian),

and onward to 1757/9 A.D.  Ezekiel's 390/40 has a precedent - 989 -967 -639/09 ( Josiah) -597 B.C. ( 627 -589/7 B.C.).

The flow would be mainly Persian/ Indian.  As far as Israelite events- to 224/6 A.D. ( Parthia/ Sasanians) + 1800 yrs? - to the emergence of the British empire. 

Two major doorways - Cyrus ( 559 -29 B.C.) and prophetic ( 553/1 -522/1 B.C.).  Primarily, Jewish - to 2022 A.D. (2550 yrs) and 2500 yrs ( 1949/79 A.D.). - to the Jewish war

167 -164 A.D.  The schematics ( 219/7 -187 B.C.) can equal Josiah.  Indian? 1628/58 A.D. + 365 yrs ( 529 - 164 B.C.) or 2500 yrs for Greece - 499 -481/77 B.C.) ?

The Greek 1967/73 and 1975/81 A.D. - formatting Josiah you come to 2024/5 A.D.  Some have noted the significance for 126 shekels or 2520 gerahs at the fall of Babylon with the

handwriting on the wall.  From 553/1 B.C. to 1969/99 A.D. - format to Josiah for a 55 yrs from 639 -584 B.C. 54/5 days/yrs  have an Ezekiel connections ( 11/12 th yrs).

India/ Sri Lanka - Vijaya and his 700 followers and subsequent 32 and the Sasungas Dyn. - 700 yrs from Gideon ( 522/1 -18 B.C.).  Also a previous period ( 2349 -1649 B.C.).

32? - 481/79 -449 -404 B.C. ( Greek doorway/ pillar).  Connections to Jesus - 500 yrs (27/31 A.D. - 487/3 -474 B.C. - Greek, Latin and Persian) and 400 yrs ( 4 B.C.).  2500 yrs from?

1st indication for a possible length for the ' Great tribulation'.  Not a minor event - inference is unless God cuts it short no one will survive. ( Matt.24-).

A flow for Indian events - 2349 -1649; (1475/2 B.C. ( Mesopotamian) - 325 (140) -185 (Mauryan) -1290 yrs); 72 B.C. ( Sunga -140) -69/70 A.D. ( Jerusalem) -1290 yrs from Gideon.

Also from Othniel/ Cushan ( 1389 B.C.) to 269 ( 140) 129 B.C. - 1260 yrs. ( Asoka -renounces wars of aggression/ Rise of Parthia and Kushans - subsequently 'relates to Jesus '

30/ 80 A.D. ( Wikipedia)).  Cush (2.) has Asian and African connection.  Another possible connection - Kanvas Dyn ( 72/27 B.C.) - back to 167/4 B.C. ( 140) and then to

Barak ( 1289/69-6 B.C.).  The Maccabean war lasted about 1100 days.  From Barak 1105 yrs or 2210 ' sacrifices'( Dan.).   From 187 B.C. to 2024 A.D.

Currently 700/6 yrs - from 1314/5 -(1291- 1320 A.D.) - French,  Swiss, Scot and Islam. The ' Black death' ( 1333/46 A.D. +) is a type.  Toward an Ottoman pillar -1324/6 -1402 A.D.

For India its the start of the Tughluq dyn. 1320/5 - 1413 A.D.  1320/50 A.D. is an Israelite doorway - ( Scots, French and English) -the focus is the coup against Edward II ( 1326/7).

The Maccabean war - possible '1102' days ( 2204 sacrifices). So 187 B.C. - 2015/7 A.D.  Pres. Trump -' make America great again' - cleansing occurs over 7/8 days.

Esther can continue where Ezekiel left off - a 69 day period - 23/3 - 13-5/12 (256/8 days) - ' Salvation is of the Jews' -300, 500, 75000 deaths - 474 B.C. - 27 A.D. ( Jesus).      

Ezekiel's 69 days -( 639 - (570/69 -39) B.C. - a fall of Egypt / Babylon) - to Esther ( 474/44 B.C.) is 65 yrs or 1753/9-83 A.D. to 1848/78 - ( Balkan independence).

Currently? - 1758/9 -88/9 to 2015/7 A.D.  or 1764/5 to 2020/2 A.D.  Also 500 yrs from 1492/1522 ( Spanish) and 300 yrs from 1700 -22 A.D. ( Russian). 75(000) from 1947/9 A.D.

Australia's 1st fleet was 250/2 -8 days.  From 1768/70?  A part of an Anglo / Indian - European  pillar - 1740/2 -1818 A.D.  Interestingly, both nations have the same national day -

Jan. 26. ( 1788. 1950); and we come into the area of Indonesian independence.  Basically a flow of 330 yrs ( 1615/19 - 29 A.D. +) - 1945/9 -1959 with 140 yrs for Singapore ( 1819 +).

or 340/1 yrs for India ( Jan.20, 1949 - Jan.1, 1950 - Delhi conference) to Dec. 27/ Jan. 26, 1950 - Aug 15/17. ( 231/3 days).  Currently, 232 yrs from 1788 and 341 yrs from 1683 A.D.

330 extends to 344 yrs - from 1646 / 1676 -81 + ? ( Indonesia). 

1605/27 A.D. (d. Jahanjir/ Nurhachi - 393 days); -  from 1627/31 A.D.?  ( 1600 yrs from Jesus).  Note the Taj.  330?  Ezekiel's 1039 -709 B.C. or a 1022 -692 B.C. ( Kassite Dyn.)

 - ( 681 B.C. d. Sennacherib).  Considering 1959 -  65 yrs ? ( Isa. 7: 8).  Also a U.S. 230 days ( Jan. 3 - Aug 21, 1959 - Hawaii/ Alaska) from 1793/4 A.D.

65 yrs relates to Israel ( 735 B.C.) but also the end ( 875 - 735 B.C.). Considering one pathway 1959 = 746 B.C. + 65 = 681 B.C. though from a different context.

From the Greek/ Chinese pillar 481/79 -404 B.C. we have an Ezekiel connection -'390/ 400' yrs to some Roman pillars - 88 -13 B.C. and 82/79-49 -4 B.C. Both involve Israelites -

Pontus, Gaul, Britain and Judea.  Jesus was at risk at His birth, though His birth focus' on deliverance for Israel.  Either the schematics ( Joseph/ Joshua - Abijah/ Isaiah) or the

historic connection 269 -247 -129 -53 -4 B.C. ( India/ Parthia - the wise men came through Parthia). - 265/3 yrs. From 1759/61 -1781 +. ( Anglo/ French and India).

Also 1700yrs - 4 - 1704B.C. ( Jacob) or 320/4 A.D.+ ( India/ Roman).


The next feature is the Porch.  The framework comes from the pillar - 539/6 -457 - 409/6 B.C.  - connection to Jesus' first coming - 483 yrs ( Dan.).  Solomon's Temple had two

pillars - Boaz and Jachin.  The pillars have a parallel connection to the Entrance - (409/6 -331/0 B.C.) - ( 206 -129 B.C.) - (9/7 B.C. -70 A.D.).

Jachin relates to the 1st. ( Simeon - an Israelite tribe) - Scot's gained independence after the Persian fall.  They perpetuate Alexander's name. A contemporary pillar is

Antipater - a Macedonian ('396' -319 B.C.) or 1600 yrs from Abram.  The Herodian's subsequently create an Antipater/ Antipas connection.

A prophetic figure  - Constantine Silvanus, martyred 681 A.D. by a Simeon ( a 1000 yr connect - Rev. 2:13).  Also an individual at Jesus' birth

( same time as the death of the Herodian - Antipater).  Connection? 321 -4 B.C.  ( 317 yrs). From 1707 A.D.? - (Union of England and Scotland).

The Second pillar is mainly Asian - Chinese and Seleucid. ( Antiochus VII - 139/ 129 B.C.)  The flow from 457 - 256 B.C. and 521 -221 B.C.

Boaz connection?  From Joshua/ Othniel - 1419/1389 -129 B.C. ( 1260 yrs), with 258 yrs ( Esther) to Boaz  ( 1331/01 -1161 B.C.).

Therefore, 258 yrs from ( 409/6 -387/6) - 129 B.C. ( the King's peace); also from  479/ 04 ( Chinese ' warring states') - 221 B.C.

Opens a consideration - 1331 B.C. to 1970/ 2001 A.D. ( 3300 yrs)  - to 2012. ( Ehud) -  A 20 yr oppression and 3 yrs to subdue Jabin's threat.  A loose 1200 yrs - 1331 -129 B.C.

Note Israeli - Ehud Barak ( May, 1999 - Feb. 2001) +;  20 yrs from 2000 A.D.?  and also 1269B.C. - ( 149 -9 B.C.) - Roman.

Jesus has a no. of connections from Greek doorways - (431 -21- 401) and ( 331 -21- 301) B.C. - a configuration of 10 +20 yrs.  Denotes the Most Holy ( The Ark of the Covenant) -

from (1149 -39- 1119) B.C. ( Jephthah / d. Eli and Samuel). He entered the Most Holy at His resurrection ( 450/ 350 yrs). -  1 yr discrepancy, however, the transfiguration.

Connection to Alexander - died at same age and both 'conquered the world' - Jesus by His sinless life.  Another person at his birth was Anna, a connection to Hannah

( Samuel's mother);  77/7 yrs denotes Saul ( 1096-89 - 1012 B.C.).  Birth?  1156/3 B.C. from the 18 yr oppression ( 1167 -1149 B.C.) or 1149/52 yrs to Jesus.  Connects to Boaz's

time.   From 129 - 4 B.C. (125 yrs)?  The U.S. Monroe doctrine - 1823 - 1899 A.D. +. Asher ( Belgium) has a connection to the period ( 1884 /1914 A.D.).  So 1085 yrs from 4 B.C.

or 64/7 from Samuel' s birth.  European events can easily fit the pillar ( 1089 B.C.) - 1948/50 - 7 - 2000 -27/30 A.D. or 2000 yrs from Jesus.  If you focus 2024 A.D. - 1085 yrs would be

Vietnamese independence and 67/4 yrs European - E.C. and EFTA.  ( 282 and 165/156 Days).  From 1740/2 and 1859/ 68 A.D. ( European and Australian events) ?

A prophetic feature of the period is ' a cleansing of the sanctuary' ( Dan.) and the Maccabean war - 15/9, 167 B.C. - 24/9, 164 B.C. ( '1102' days).

Two Seleucid doorways - 312/281  and 219/7 -187 B.C.  So 2300 and 2204 missed sacrifices ( days) - 2016/20 A.D.  ( as previously mentioned - 7 -8 days to cleanse).

 A no. of significant events over 117/8 yrs  to 133/5 yrs - from the Kaiser (1888/9 - 1919) - 2200 yrs from Seleucus I or 1885/91 and 1906 -12 ( Format 1893/ 1923 to Josiah).

Macedonia has a 111 yrs connect - 279 -168 B.C. - for the Balkans ( 1912/3) ?  Some have noted a Seleucid connection to the Kaiser ( Dan. 11: 20/1) ( Hollenzollen - Zoll = Tax) and

the ' vile person' ( Hitler) - ( Dan./ format of Josiah - Jerusalem).  Basically, 1893/1923 -1945 A.D.  - extrapolate - 539/09 B.C. or 1994/ 2024 A.D. ( Nafta/ EEC) - definitely an

Israelite connection.  Though they fall they receive double prosperity after the event - a trial of Job.  An Austrian 306 yrs ( 1718 A.D.) ( Mar. 1, 1994 - Jan. 1 '95).  

281/79 B.C. can be focal years ( 164 B.C. -115/7 yrs).  From 1878/1908 ( Ottoman/ Austrian)?

Could also be a general flow of 130 yrs ( 263 - 133/129 B.C. ( Pergamum).  1890 - 1892/5.  A significant watershed ( Thai/ Korean ' independence').

Sino - Japanese war - 259 days ( July 25/7 - Aug. 1 - Apr. 17, 1895).  From 1765 A.D.?  The Maccabean war makes the events a focus for the end time - Punic wars -

264 -241 - 206/2 - 146 B.C. ( 118/62 yrs) - Mainly Asian - 1905/7 -12 ( Japan/ Korea and the Chinese revolution.) and 1932/62 ( Japan/ Burma) - 2200 yrs from Asoka ( 269/239 B.C.).

Japanese constitution renounces wars of aggression.

Another flow from this period is the saga of the Kings N/S ( Seleucid/ Ptolemy) from Dan. 11.  Events that relate to the end time.  The Seleucid were succeeded by Rome.

More recent Italian reversals in Nth. Africa ( 1866-9/96 and 1911/41 A.D.).  Basically a flow of 1800/ 1900 yrs.  Contemporary connections? -  were looking for an Egyptian victory -

Third and Fourth Syrian Egyptian wars (246/1- 219/7 B.C.).  Events to 226/2 B.C.  Rawlinson's History focus' more on 247/5 B.C. and the recovery of 2500 items taken in 527 B.C.

90 yrs ( 312 -222 B.C.) from the Third Reich ( 1933/4 A.D.).  The other events have more relevance for the doorway 331/01 B.C. or 112/4 and 86/4 yrs.  From 1910/2 and 1938/40 A.D.

Both have  Roman connection for 1900 yrs.  527 B.C. is 2550 yrs from 2024 A.D.



We now come to the Entrance.  A rehash - two pillars - 91/88 -13 B.C. and 9/7 -70 A.D.  A flow of 1000 yrs with an Israelite connection - Pontus, Judea and Western Europe.

1489 - 739/09 B.C. = 753 - 4 B.C. -27 A.D. ( Jesus).  A doorway 88/58 B.C. - for captivity and a pillar for deliverance - 82/79 -49 - 4 B.C. Both involve Julius Caesar.

The 390/ 400 yrs from a Greek pillar.  The focus is forward - Pompey presumptuously entered the  Most Holy, and 1100 yrs ( the measurement of the Most Holy)  -from 1179/49 B.C.

Initially, a possible 2100 yrs to 2020 A.D.  In the pathway of previous pillars 1620 - 1697 and 1920 -1997 A.D.

The subsequent falls for Rome to 410 -476 A.D. ( 467 and 533 yrs from 58 B.C.) to a possible 2025 A.D.

Jesus' birth could also focus on the ' desolating abomination' ( Dan.) - the murder of innocent babies by Herod.  ( some accounts of abortion aren't far removed).

Possible connections from 4 B.C. - 75/8 yrs from 82/79 B.C. ( 1942/3 -5 A.D.) and 59/60 yrs  from 64/3 B.C. ( 1960/1 A.D.). The schematics of Julius Caesar are of interest

- Jan.1/7, 49 B.C. - Feb.15/ Mar. 15, 45 B.C.  A bit of a puzzle since the Calendar changed in 47 B.C.  A possible 593 + 1400 days.  From 593 B.C. - 1 A.D.  ( Roman Calendar)

and 1400 yrs to 1291/1320 A.D. from 82/79 B.C.  Clovis ( end of Roman rule in Gaul) - ( 481/496 - 507/ 511 A.D.) could have a connection '484' yrs to 4 B.C. and the extra 538 yrs -

from 1453-5/83-5 A.D.?  

Pompey was a city affected by Vesuvius ( 79 A.D.).  1993 yrs from 31 A.D.?  and 593 yrs from Joan of Arc - 1431 A.D.  Also 593 yrs to Islam and Byzantine reversals - 622/5 -35/6 A.D.

The ' ides of March' -  Mar. 15. 1939;  From Sept. 15 - 22/4. 1938 ( 181/ 172-4 days) -  from 1774 -81/3 to 1955 A.D.; or even a subsequent Australian

(1938 is a sesquicentenary), especially Victoria.

For Europe about 2000 yrs to the Tr. of Paris and Rome ( 1952/7 ).  Apr. 18, 1951 - July 23, 1952 (462 days) - from 1562 A.D.?  Chamberlain's ' Peace in our time'.

- Spanish civil war ( 1936/9) - 85 yrs ( 91/89 B.C. -4 B.C.). - a Roman civil war.   

Further - Nov.11, 43 B.C. and Oct.3/23, 42 B.C. ( 2nd triumvirate, Battle of Philippi) -  607/ 346 days.  Measures the Temple - the Frankish rise and Roman reversals in Gaul -

481/511 - 558/61 A.D. and Gothic incursions from 248 -268 A.D. ( from 49 and 79 B.C.)  Subsequent? - 511 - 840/3 -53 - 342 yrs - from 1652/82 A.D. ( Louis XIV and Nth. America)

or a '358' yrs from 496 - 853 A.D. ( Ezekiel). 49 B.C. has relevance to 27 B.C.

A feature of the Entrance is a flow of Three Kingdom periods - Korean ( 58 B.C. +);  Chinese  (220/2 A.D. +)  and Germanic ( 476 -550/4 A.D.).  Prior connection?

Persia subdued three kingdoms - Babylon, Egypt and Lydia -   400 yrs from 559 B.C. Herod was an Edomite; as was Haman ( 85 yrs to 474 or 3 B.C.).

A focus forward ? - 88/ 18 B.C. - 70 yrs ( Korea -1950/3-4 A.D. +) -  1938/9 A.D.?   - more Germanic connection -  Austrian / Ottoman '306' yrs ( 58 B.C. - 248 A.D.) - from 1718 A.D.

Herod at 58 -37 B.C. has a Parthian connection - to 162/5 A.D. ( 219/22 yrs) - from 1803/5 A.D. for the U.S. 

The Chinese / Parthian - 220/2 -4/6 - 63/5 A.D.+ ( 1600 / 1800 yrs) and 476 A.D. (1550 yrs) - ( 425 - 565 A.D.).

The flow of 390/ 400 yrs continues for Roman reversals - (13 B.C. - 9 A.D.) - 375/78 A.D., 410 A.D., 439 and 455 A.D. ( from 9/39 A.D. and 25/55 A.D.).

The main flow is 1260 yrs ( 709 - 550/4 A.D.( Assyrian/ Germanic - there's a racial connection); 'Germanic' - can include tribal groups from

Arphaxad, Asshur and Aram.  ( Goths ( Aram), Heruli ( Haran) and Vandals ( from around L. Van in Mesopotamia).  (2.).  Czechs ( Nahor). - 2158/ 2127 B.C. + 4150 yrs.

Note 1939 A.D.


The Holy place is a measurement for Rome.  Its initial fall in 476 A.D. and subsequent resurrections.  The primary message of Daniel and Revelation. Most demonstrative

from 552 - 1812/5 A.D. ( 1260 yrs - Imperial restoration and Napoleon).  Chinese imperialism follows the same pathway - 16 Kingdom/ 6 Dynasties ( 220/2 - 589 A.D.) -

theoretically from 539 B.C. - ( 337 A.D. - 1597); and 552 - 1945 A.D.; and  10 Kingdom/ 5 Dynasties. ( 907 - 960 A.D.), from  552 - 1814 A.D. and 476 A.D. to Jesus' return.

Connections  ( 907 -60 A.D. ) - 900 yrs from the Entrance for Vietnam and Korea -   forward?  currently 1000 yrs for the Saxon Emperors  ( 919 -1024 A.D.).

Two doorways ( 901/30 and 936/9 - 968 A.D.). For Vietnam  1078 yrs (111 B.C. - 968 A.D.) from 946 A.D. and for Korea/ Japan 993 yrs  ( 58 B.C. - 936 A.D. from 930/1 A.D.

The opening of Asia 1838/60 A.D. ( 900 yrs) is a point of interest.    Schematics - June 26-29/ July 29, 1858 - Nov. 14, 1860 ( 869/72 days) from 1152/5 -85 A.D. ( Plantagenets -

Japan) toward 2024 A.D. or a subsequent 800 yrs from 1152/5 -1165 to 1952/5 -65 ( Japan/ Korea) and 1194/5 -1224/5 A.D. ( Emp. Ning Zong) + .

Japanese history for the period 1600/1 -1639/41 - 1866/8 A.D. can connect with 1489/49 - 1221/19 B.C.   Gideon was' American'.  Oct. 20, 1600 - Nov.1, 1601 ( 377 days)

 - Feb. 2, - Nov. 9, 1867 - Jan. 3, - Apr. 6, 1868 A.D. ( 279, 55 and 94 Days).  Another major pillar 1867/8 - 1947 -1994/7 A.D. ( Americas / Nato) and a German/ Japanese to 1945 A.D.

Contemporary connections are either 1862/5 -75 or 1867/71-3 for Canada.  Schematic connections?  377 yrs from 1639/41 -2016/8 A.D.  279 yrs from 1588/96 A.D. to 1875 then

1930 and 2024 A.D.       

Its an entrance for the Church. ( 25/55 A.D. and 31/60-2A.D. ( The Acts of the apostles).  There's also the Un -'Holy Roman empire'.  Unfortunately religions have had a

culture of death - Satan is identified with Roman imperialism ( Rev. 12: 3/4);  Conversion is one of conviction not of persuasion.

There's a coming false prophet  who imposes the ' mark of the Beast'.  The Beast is a latter day cult figure.  Nero had an image built to himself.

The doorway of the Acts coincides with British - Agricola ( 77/84 A.D.).  Subsequent doorways have a Josiah framework ( 363/4 -395 - 406/10 A.D. ) - the Germanic incursion

lasted 1332/4 days ( Dec. 31, 406 - Aug.24/6, 410 A.D.) - to 503 A.D. ( Scot.) and 425/55 -476 A.D.  The fall of Jerusalem ( 589/7 B.C.), focus' on the falls of Egypt/ Babylon -

920/50 days ( 1489 -569/39 B.C.).  The fall of Jerusalem 69/70 A.D. on the fall of Rome.  Connections? From 31 A.D. - 445 and 472 yrs.  Subsequent ? - European pillar -

1552 - 1629 A.D. and a Dutch doorway 1579/ 1609 A.D.  Jerusalem ( July 1, 69 - Aug. 29/30, Sept - 70 A.D.+).  Also the death of Augustus in 14 A.D. -424/5 days

( from 31 -455 A.D.)   ( Matthew Bunson ' Ency. of the Roman Empire').

The major pillar of the Entrance is 13 B.C. - 67/9 A.D. and 114/117 A.D. ( Trajan, Nero/ Vespasian, Drusus).  Nero from the burning of Rome July 19, 64 A.D. to June 9, 68 to

Aug.9 - Sept. 7/8,  70 A.D. - 1421 + 821 = 2242 days ( Alfred Church - Jerusalem).  The schematics for Vitellius  (248 days); ; Vespasian's commission ( Feb. 67 - June 9, 68)

- 484 days?;  Otho - 90/2 days and Galba - 220 days. - the year of four emperors.  Connections?   Nero -  some authors have various dates - 2167 B.C. -(746 B.C.- 606/5) -  68 A.D.

( 813 days for Aug 30/1) or 219/7 -187 B.C. - 1202/4 A.D. ( also 31 A.D. -1453 A.D. - Constantinople reversals) - 2024 A.D.

Vespasian's  484 yrs forward to 550/4 A.D.  The doorway is 31/62 - 69 - 79/81 A.D.  142/1 B.C. ( Jewish/ Parthian successes) - 220 yrs; Roman victory 168 B.C. + ( 248 yrs)

and 13 B.C.  to 79/81 A.D. 

Subsequent?  From 1776, 1804 and 1933 A.D. There's also Titus' 800 days ( June 23, 79 - Sept. 1, 81 A.D.).  The focus is forward 81 -581 A.D. ( Chinese/ Persian) through

Ezekiel or no. of individuals who saw Christ after His resurrection.  

The doorway 23/5 -55 A.D. ( Chinese/ Apostle Paul - Ephesus) toward 132/5 -162/5 A.D. ( Jewish reversals - banned from Jerusalem and Parthian wars).  Jesus' return can be

considered over 3 days - He has a garment soaked in blood  - His death.  Also consider the 'twilight zone'. ( Rev. 19:13; Zech. 14:6/7).

The other doorway 31/60-2 A.D. is an extrapolation from 1002/972 -952 -937 B.C.  ( Solomon/ Abijah and Asa).  - toward 79/81 - 96/8 A.D. ( Nerva) and toward 250/260 A.D.

(1260 yrs) - the first of 10 yr periods of Roman persecution - the second 1260 yrs from Baasha ( 948 B.C.) - 303/13 A.D.  The Revelation of Jesus Christ begins with messages

to Asia minor churches linked by a mail trail.  Ephesus to Smyrna.  ( Note a 10 day period   - Rev. 2:10). The C1st Church was not a stable unit.  Let alone severe persecution.

Simon Magus was the first to fuse Christian and Eastern philosophy.  Any no. of 'antichrists' ( epistles of John).  The Church had a Jewish connection; the C4th Church has

a Mesopotamian -  ( Constantine); debate over Sabbath v. Sunday and Easter v. Passover.  The Church became part of the Roman Empire and took on its governmental

structure - a State/ Church union - with systemic persecution.  Note 306/ 37 A.D. - 1453 - 1596/7 A.D. ( 1150/ 1260 yrs). Also Janos Hunyadi ( May 29, 1453 - July 22,

1456 A.D. - 1150 days - deliverance of Belgrade).  Some positive aspects to Constantine ( compared to where they came from) - 306/ 337A.D. -476.  His victory in 312 A.D.

he attributed to a 'vision', which identified Christ ( The Greek Chi and Rho - numeral value of 700).  Possible Israelite connection.  The Catholic church helped in subduing

sections of the Roman beast between 476 and 552 A.D. A subsequent 610 yrs? ( 58 B.C. - 550/4 A.D.) - from a Catholic doorway 1414/18 -1448/9 A.D.

Possible connection to ' St. Patrick' ( 431 /62 A.D.).   Cozing up to the Beast can be detrimental if you become the subject of his ire.  Various periods of Church/ State conflict.


The next pillar is 550/4 - 632/4 - 680/3 ( Roman Imperial restoration and Islam), + Constantine Silvanus/ Simeon ( 681/4 A.D.).  Opens the start of a no. of epics - Islam, Vikings,

Crusades and Mongols.    Islam is a significant and powerful religion.  Connects with ' star wars' - an Angelic battle which we eventually will feel the full affects of

 - ' the Day of the Lord'.  The framework is Rev. 12:7 -.  Mohammed is a significant individual - a descendant of Ishmael - ' the God who hears and sees me'.

' Woe to the inhabitants of the earth' - the high death rate from ' Justinian's plague' - half of Europe -(542 -594 A.D.)  What elsewhere? ( Timetables of History by Bernard Grun). 

Islam realises religion is a way of life.  A no. of Biblical ethics. The schematics refer back to Christ - 610/ 22 - 30/2 A.D. -40/2 A.D. ( 600 yrs). The Byzantines ( Roman imperialism)

were associated with Satan - 41 - 641 A.D.    The Turk empire has its beginnings in this period - (553- 682 A.D.) -( The First Turk Empire - by D. Sinor and S.G. Klyashtorny)

 - and subsequent Islamisation.  Opens a consideration for 1290 yrs to 751 and 1071 A.D. ( 539; 219/7 B.C.) and subsequently to 1281/91 with Egyptian victories and rise of the

Ottomans. There is also an Abrahamitic connection.  1391 yrs ( 632/4 A.D. with Persian reversals 637/42) - ( 1920 - 529 B.C.) and ( 1835 - 444 B.C.) for a consideration.   

1290 yrs - 632/4 A.D. - 1893 - 1923/4( Russian/ Ottoman ).  From 710/2 -32-41 A.D. - 2000/2 -2031 A.D. or the previous 2000 yrs for Europe.

French connection? Schumann plan ( May 9, 1950 ) - 344 days - Tr. of Paris ( Apr. 18, 1951 - July 23, 1952) - from 1562 and 1679/82 ( Nth Amer.) and the

Tr. of Nice ( Dec. 11 - Feb. 26 2001 - Feb. 1, 2003) - 340 days from 1684 A.D.  and the b. of Tours ( Oct. 11, 732 A.D.) - possibilities.

' Now is come, Salvation, strength, the Kingdom of God and the power of His anointed' - schematics?  General and specific 1300 yr periods -

Justinian - 552 - 1852 A.D. ( Anglo/ Burmese);  Mohammed - 622 - 1922 A.D. ( Ottoman); Asian - 626 - 645/49 - 1945/49 A.D. ( Japan, China and Korea). Would seem to

indicate their ministry plus to Armageddon.  God anoints two individuals - indications their ministry concludes 10/14 days prior to Jesus' return.

The Ezekiel flow continues 81 -96/8 A.D. ( 500 yrs) - 581 -(597- 602/4) - 589/ 618 A.D.( Sui Dyn.) - from 479 A.D. ( 140 yrs ) toward  1516 -7/ 46 A.D. ( 920/50 yrs).

Mainly ecclesia - British and Martin Luther.  Further connection?  Jan.1, 1959 - Oct.20-2/ Nov. 21, 1962 ( Cuba/ U.S. - India/ China) - 1420 days - from 604 A.D.? 

We enter the focus for the 'Pergamum era' of the Church.  The framework is for events leading up to 1489 -1449 B.C. - Pergamum relates back to the Punic wars ( 264/3 B.C. +).

The period of the Paulicians.  In the volatile area of Byzantine/ Islamic conflict - which unfortunately they got caught up in.  10 yr periods? - possibly 843/53; 863/73 and 869/79.

Were focusing forward for a significant 40 yr period.   Also the focus of the Temple built in 516 B.C. - concludes with 40 days ( 3/12- 14/1).

The events of the Viking epoch.  1002 - 42 A.D. ( Anglo/ Danish); 1014 -54 A.D. ( Irish/ Viking - Church schism); 1046 -86 ( European) and 998/1001 - 1040 A.D.

( Mahmud of Ghazni).  Interesting standoff for 40 days  at a confrontation in 1008 A.D.  For prior events 2nd and 4th would be more relevant.  For subsequent the 3rd.

The flow for the period can be considered from 539 -457- 409/6 B.C.  1335 - 1260 yrs ? from 281, 219/7 and 205 B.C. ( 1054, 1042 and 1085 A.D.) or the previous 853 -879 A.D. 

Toward 129 B.C. ( Pergamum).  From 1620 - 1695/7 and 1715/45 - 1792 A.D.?  ( 639 - 330; 457 -129 B.C. - 309/ 328 yrs).

For Ezekiel its from 581/97 to 907/60 A.D. ( Chinese) - or specifically 358 yrs to 939 A.D. - Vietnamese independence - the doorway  -939/ 968 A.D.; plus the latter Korean

Three kingdom  period ( 892/ 936 A.D.) - a general flow of 900 yrs from the Entrance - Apostle Paul ( 36/39 A.D.). The subsequent 374 yrs?  1281 and 1331/3 A.D. - Japanese.

Part of 1281/91 A.D. and 1192 - 1333 A.D.     


From here its the focus from the 'Thyatira era' and the framework post 1489/49 B.C. - toward Ahab/ Jezebel - 608 yrs (881 B.C.).  The fortunes and misfortunes of

Catholic imperialism from 1046 -86 to the Thirty wars war ( 1618/48 A.D.) or 608 yrs from a Seljuk Turk doorway ( 1040/ 71 A.D.).  The main focus are the Crusades from

1095 A.D. to 1291 A.D. ( 1260 yrs from Jesus).  Some significant 140 yr periods - 1046 -1184/7 ( Saladin); 1309 - 1449 ( French national state) and 1509 - 1648 ( Dutch/ Swiss

independence).  There was a warning to repent - a time period  ( Rev. 2:21) -  1291 - 1346/7 A.D. +( Black death).  Current connection for a 'Great tribulation'?  Second Vatican Council

( Oct. 11, 1962 - Dec. 8, 1965 - 1154 days).  + 55 yrs.  The issue of Church/ State relations  - U.S. Supreme Court decisions from 1962 - the banning of school prayer

and Bible reading.  What was the intention of the Constitution -' to keep the State out of religion, not religion out of the State'. 

The dominant figure for the period was Peter Waldo - 1161 A.D. + ( Waldenses).  Search  for ' A true history of the true Church' may help.

From 1046 to the next major pillar 1314/5 - 1395/7 - 1443/6 A.D. ( Scot/ Swiss - Scandinavian // Ottoman - Balkan - Janos Hunyadi).  ( 1489 - 1221/19 B.C. - 268 yrs).

Schematics are of interest 1335 days ( Nov. 18, 1095 - July 15, 1099 A.D.); Council of Constance ( Nov. 5, 1414 - Apr. 22, 1418 A.D.) -1264 days. 

June 24, 1314 - Nov. 15, 1315 ( 509) - 1824 A.D. ( South American independence - or 1260 yrs for the Inca).  The focal year 1443/4 ( Nov. 10) for an Ottoman 10 yrs - 1453/4 A.D.

The framework - 1082 B.C. = 1453/4 A.D. ( b. David).  A dominant Ottoman pathway - 600 yrs ( 1324/6 - 1402) ?   Opens a consideration for Swiss independence -  1291 - 1499

- 1515 - 1648 -1815 A.D.  Some connect to an Israelite tribe- Gad. ( Gen 49:19) -  noted for a concluding victory.  509/11 yrs ( 1220 B.C. - 711/09 B.C. or British Burma ( 1824/6 A.D.).

Burma is on that pathway from 1044 A.D.  Plus 200 yrs ( 1315 -1515 A.D.).  1476/7 - 1499 - 1516/ 46 A.D. ( Ezekiel).  Sept. 13/ Nov.7, 1515 - Jan .22, 1517  ( 55 + 442 days).

A reformation doorway ( Swede, Swiss and British - Dutch revolt ) - 1527/31 -4 - 1578/ 82-3 A.D.

For Ezekiel its a 95 + 54 + 39 yrs to 1516/7 A.D. from Edward III - 1327 -77 A.D.  - 1422/ 53 A.D. ( Ottoman/  'Hundred yrs' war) - 1476/7 A.D. ( Japan, Burgundy ) - or

from (1336 -9 / 1368 A.D.) - 1467-77 ( Onin war/ Ivan) - to 1516/7 ( Ottoman / Egypt and Luther's 95 theses ).  569 B.C. ( Egypt) = 1516 A.D.  Another pathway would be

1453 - 1492/ 1522 ( a Spanish doorway). Both French and British sovereigns reigned 39 yrs ( 1422 -61 A.D.).  We come to the concluding portion with some major

pillars and the entrance to the fixture of - ' The Table'.   Spanish - 1522 - 1596/8 A.D. and Ottoman/ European - 1566/8 - 1648 - 1697 A.D.


The Colonisation of the 'New World.'   Not far removed from Jesus' return - once Columbus landed it meant the end of Indian civilisation.  Some more detestable than others -

the Aztec - 1325 - 1519/21 A.D.  The Table connects with European trade and colonisation via Table Mt. and Table bay, South Africa - primarily the Dutch - 1595 -1602 ( 200 yrs)

- 1795/ 1802 A.D.   

The 1st pillar / doorway - Spanish  to 1542 + .  Basically, a Mexican  300 yrs - 1821; or 250 yrs from 1598 ( advances  - New Mexico) - 1848 A.D. and subsequently to 1898.

Connections? - 300 yrs for European events from  1513/5 A.D. of an anti French coalition.  Toward Jesus? - a general 500 yrs or a possible specific 505 yrs from Cortez.

( P. Julius II, Oct. 5, 1511 - Feb. 21, 1513 A.D.).  From here its a consideration for Charles V and the Habsburg/ Valois wars ( 1494 - 1559), to a parallel pillar (1552 -1629 A.D.).

Schematics of interest - Ottoman ( Aug.29/30, 1526 - Sept. 21/3 -Oct. 15, 1529)  - 1120+ days ( 1389 -96 - 1529 A.D.);  German ( Aug.2, 1552 - Sept. 25, 1555) -'1150' days

and Danish ( Dec. 9, 1625 - May 22, 1629) - 1260 days.  The pillars open a consideration for prior events from 1089 -1012 B.C. and the Ezekiel 390/ 40 yrs - a warning of war.

The 1st pillar a possible 502 yrs ( 587 B.C.); the 2nd  468 yrs (621 B.C. - Josiah's covenant.) -  the beginning of the period or the European 2000/2 -2031 A.D. A 65 yrs? ( above)

- the same warning from Isaiah - The war of the Roses ( 1455 /85 A.D. ) + 400 + 65  from the Warsaw Pact.  Poland can have an Elamite connection ( Susa ) - sack in 645 B.C.

- 65 yrs from 710/9 B.C. Subsequent prophetic mention is positive ( Dan. Esther/ Neh. - 539 B.C. - 474 B.C.). A 235 yrs or 65 yrs - both Anglo/ Saxon - 1759/89 A.D. and 1929/59 A.D.

A warning (1939 A.D.) and success'  -1989 A.D.  May 9/14, 1955 has relevance to May 8/9 1945.  

A no. of interesting doorways - 1526/56 ( Indian, Ottoman/ European).  Note Babur's 1704 days ( Apr.27, 1526 - Dec. 26, 1530).  Follows 1500 from Jesus. 1704 yrs from 320 A.D.?

The next 1562/5 -(72) 1592/5 A.D. ( Asian/ European) and a close 1560/90 ( Spanish/ Japanese) - racially connected ( Tarshish - an Asian and European branch)( 2.).

The first could follow the framework 1475/2 - 1445/2 B.C. forward  - 1012 B.C. ( 430 yrs) or a general 450 yrs ( 1489 - 1039 B.C.) - the 'Israelite empire' -

Israel will be the dominant nation in the future.  Not one of occupation but positive direction.  Wars won't be tolerated.  God just needs to say something - and the offender is gone.

The Habsburg have a Spanish/ Austrian connection.  So does 1945-20 - 15 B.C.  Forward 1260 yrs  to 660 -55/3 B.C. ( Japan/ India - Egypt). From 1089 B.C. for 429/34 yrs

( 1590 and 1592/5 A.D.).    The other significant doorway 1558/9 -1588 ( Anglo/ Danish) - 1603 A.D.  44 yrs denotes David's rule over Israel.  1603 -25 +  421 yrs? - from 1045 B.C.

the pathway of Assyria and Greece - 668 -626/22 B.C. - '624'/594 ( Dracon and Solon.). A prior 753 -683 B.C.  Parallel to 739/09 -639 B.C. + 59 yrs to 624 or 610/9 B.C.   

436 yrs - from 1588 A.D.  Possible  - 1052/22 B.C. - 586 B.C.  From 1558/88 -1698/9 ( Spanish Partition Trs. Feb. 6 - June 1 -11,  1699 A.D. - 125 yrs  ) from 1575 ( French/ Polish)

and forward 450 yrs.   Russian events? -   with a British connection from 1455/85 -1505 - 1533 -53/5 -63 A.D.  Doorways that have a forward focus - 1553 -65/71 -84 and

1563 -75/81 - 84 -93 ( a Josiah framework) for 500/ 400 yrs. 490 yrs from 1533/4?  The treaties of 1582/3 ( Jan. 15 - Aug 10 -572 days) from 1453 A.D. ( 1453 -1563/93 A.D.). 

The focus are events toward 1600/3 A.D. ( Anglo/ Japanese).  Oct. 20, 1600 - Nov.1 / Dec. 24, 1601 - Mar. 24/26 1603 A.D. - 377, 508 and 455/7 days - forms a pattern for the

pillar 1516 - 1566/8 - 1648 - 1697 A.D.  Also toward 1571/3-4 A.D. ( Ottoman/ Venice and Spanish).  Aug. 1, 1571 - Mar. 7, 1573 - Sept. 13, 1574 A.D. - 584, 555 days. 

From 1440 and 1469/79 A.D.?  A short jump to a Dutch watershed - 1579/81 A.D. and a significant 60 yrs for Portuguese independence.  Also Christian IV ( 1588/ 1648 A.D.). 

Aug. 4, 1578 - Jan.31, 1580 - Aug. 25 - Apr. 15, 1581 A.D.  ( 545 and 440/ 233 days). From 1479 and 1584/ 1791 A.D.

1610/40 A.D. is 2520 yrs from Elijah/ Jehu ( 911/ 881 B.C.) and the fall of false religion.  60 yrs? (972 -950/48 - 911/09 B.C. ) - Jeroboam I.  Elijah and 400/450 Baal priests.

400 yrs + when Ahab knew who God was - 897/8 B.C. - 13/14 yrs  -so 1610 + for 2023/4 A.D.

Further to the major pillar from 1566/8 A.D.  Mainly Israelite - Dutch revolt ' Altar riots' and Scots.  Opens a consideration from 1221/19 B.C. to 767/35 B.C. ( a fall of Israel

and Syria) - the focus being Isaiah and the conclusion of promises to the House of Jehu.  From 757/5 B.C. to 503 A.D. ( Scot). A focus for a beginning - 453 yrs.

The inclusive pillar is 1620 -1697 A.D. for an Ezekiel connection.   The watershed  - 1566/8 A.D. - Scot and Dutch - The Revolt - Apr. 5, 1566 - Aug. 8/ Oct 6, 1567 A.D.

490/ 549 days (can indicate the pillar from 539/6 B.C.) - so 549 yrs comes to the doorway 10/14 -41 A.D. - for Jesus.  Plus the Oct. 6, 1567 - Oct. 5, 1568 ( May 23).

365 and 230 days - would indicate the Candlestick -  1793/4 -1928/31 A.D. from 1563.  490, 549 and 365 yrs ( Russian? - 1477, 1533 and 1563+.).  More for the beginning of a period.

The flow of Anglo/ Scot for Mary, Q. of Scotland/ Armada to the Union of 1707 A.D. ( Note the 140 yrs).  June 19, 1566 - May 15 - July 24, 1567 - May 2, 1568 A.D.( 400 /70 and

283 days) -  1517 - 1587 A.D.; 400? from 1620  and 283 to 1848/9 A.D.  For the Spanish Armada -  ( Feb. 8 -Apr. 19, 1587 - July 21-29, 1588) - 70/467 days.

From  1558/9 to 2025/6 A.D.   The flow continues for the Israelite pillar - Jan. 30 - Oct. 24. 1648 ( 268 days) and the Nine years war -

Sept. 24, 1688 -Sept. 10/11 - 20 ( O/s -N/s dates) - 3273 days +.  The doorway is Ottoman/ Spanish for 1683/89 - 1713/4 for an Ezekiel connection of 172 yrs from 1516/7 A.D.

Thinking of a connection from Sept. 24 - Nov. 5 - Dec. 25, 1688.    3273/4 yrs should be valid from Barak  - 1269/66 -55 B.C. to 2008/9 A.D. - a loose 10 yrs from Barak Obama?

1453 - 1563/93 A.D. can be significant for a few nations.  The Dutch format Josiah - Sept. 1 1575 - Nov. 4/8 1576, Sept. 23/ Oct. 22  1577 - Jan. 25 1579 and June 10/ July 10 1584

- Aug. 17/20 1585 A.D. ( 430/4, 460 and 433/6 days ) . From 1590, 1563 and 1588 A.D.?  


We now come into the focus for an Ezekiel 390/ 40 yrs.  The 40 yrs is 30/ 70 A.D.  The falls of Jerusalem occurred over 384, '390' and '400' yrs  ( 606, 597 and 587 B.C.)

from 989 -967 B.C.  Currently, we have from 1620 -1697 ( Anglo/ Dutch) - including geographically - N. Z. and Australia.  The 390 yrs would be Nth. American - 1630 - 1679/82 A.D.

with an Asian flavour.  1600 yrs from Jesus - 1627/31 ( Taj ) -1636 ( rise of the Manchu). Note Nurhachi and Jahanjir ( d. 393 days apart - 1626/7 A.D.). An Asian reaction to the

Beast's bio - chemical attack  ( 1st . Woe) relates to a 390/1 day period ( year, month and day of a prophetic 360 day yr.).  The pathway is positive to 1636 A.D. Also the Swedish section

of the Thirty yrs war. 

The 384 yrs is definitely positive - 382/4-5 days occurs frequently - 1640, 1642, 1648, 1660, 1689/90. ( Anglo/ Irish - Scot) from the doorway - 1610/2 - 40/2

or 2520 yrs from Elijah/ Jehu. Starting from the ' Glorious revolution' - Jan. 22, 1689 - Dec. 16 - Feb. 8 -23, 1690 A.D. ( Convention Parl.) - 328, 382 and 397 yrs.  Also

from 1620/7 -1696/7 A.D. -  Defined by the Czech revolt - May 23, 1618 - Aug. 26, 1619 - Nov.8, 1620 ( 460/ 440 days) and May 10, 1627 - July 1, 1628 A.D. ( 418 days).

From 1563, 1583 and 1608/9 A.D. when they first achieved their rights.  To the Restoration - Apr.4 -25, 1660 - Apr. 23, 1661 A.D.

A no. of Irish/ Scottish events -  Oct. 23, 1641 - Nov. 10, 1642 and Aug.1, 1647 - Aug. 17/19, 1648.  Also Anglo/ Dutch from Apr. 13, 1640 - May 2, 1641.

We also have a  385 days ( Nov. 3, 1640 - Nov. 23, 1641) - concerning the King - could be from 1639/49 A.D.

The end of the age is initiated by a 'desolating abomination' and a northern invasion of the Middle east - Egypt and Palestine are at risk - with possibly others. ( Dan 11: 41-).

The casualties from Ezekiel don't preclude the use of Nuclear weapons.  It's always a worry for terrorists to obtain these weapons.  The problem is you may

kill yourself in the process - which seems to be the case - ' the Great tribulation'.  Inference is God will need to ' cut it short otherwise no one will survive'. ( Matt.)

Punctuated by the ' Heavenly signs'; with a major earthquake.   The Earth belongs to God - He will destroy those who would destroy the Earth.  The ' Day of the Lord'

is against pride and arrogance ( Isa. 2:12) - that we think we can do whatever.  Thankfully, there are points of deliverance throughout the period - the flow of mercy and

judgment - including the ' Heavenly signs'.  However, there is only one name that can deliver  ( Acts 4:12) - having God's word and Law in your heart ( Rev.7 : -).

There's also the problem of being a part of the Beast's system - you put yourself on the opposing side of an Angelic war -  at risk of ' the seven last plagues'.


Coming to the conclusion of the Ezekiel flow 1683/9 - 1713/4 and 1753/9 -1783 A.D. - Ottoman reversals and an Anglo/ American doorway.  Ottoman reversals and an

independence for Hungary.  Schematics - Sept. 12, 1683 - Sept. 2, 1686 - Aug. 12, - Sept.26, 1687 - Sept. 6, 1688 - (Sept. 11, 1697 - Jan. 26, 1699 A.D.) - 1086, 344/89, 391

and 502 days.   In the pathway for the Revelation - from 939 and 1522 A.D.  Also from 1630/4 - 1680 A.D. - the Swedish section of the Thirty yrs war.

For the conclusion of the Spanish succession war 1713/4 A.D. - the various treaties from the 1st meeting at the  Congress of Utrecht from Jan. 29, 1712 - Feb. 6, 1715 ( 1104 days)

to some significant deaths - Feb. 18. 1712 - Sept. 1, 1715 ( 1291 days).  From Apr. 11, 1713 - Sept. 7, 1714 and July 13 , 1713 - June 26, 1714 - Feb. 6, 1715.  ( 514, 348/573 days).

A possible Jan. 29, 1712 - Mar. 27 - April 11, 1713 ( 423 -38 days).

Connections?  1104*2 ( 2208) from 187 B.C. and 732 A.D. + = 2022/3 A.D.  League of Cambrai 1508/10 - 29/30 ( Tr. of Cambrai/ Margaret of Austria) -1648 A.D. for 514 yrs.

1453 A.D. - 1801 - 2026 ( Act f Union 1801) and 1588/ 1603 to 2026 A.D.  


The above doorway opens the next fixture - the ' Altar of Incense'. Coincides with the Industrial revolution - Incense = smoke.

The pillar 1714/5 - 1792 A.D. ( Anglo/ French).  The previous doorway  has some connections -

Sept. 6, 1688 - Aug.24/ Sept. 24, 1689 - Aug. 19, 1691 (352/82 and 694 days - Louis William of Baden - Baden ) - from  1630 - 1982/ 2012 A.D. and forward

from 1301/ 31 A.D.( Balkan/ Hungarian)  and the Polish succession war ( Feb. 1,  - Aug.14. 1733 - Oct. 3, 1735 - Jan. 26, 1736 ) - 194, 780 and 115 days.

780 is of interest as it involves the ' Altar'. 194 yrs - 1684 - 1878 A.D.; 115 yrs? - 1700 - 1815 A.D. and 780? 303 yrs from 1700 - 1721/2 A.D. ( Great Northern war)

- ( 1012 - 709 B.C.).  The other possibility is from 1526 A.D. - 1878/1908.  1684 -1878 and 115 from 1908 A.D.  Options for theoretical pathways.

Incense relates to prayer.  The usual emphasis for U.S. revival meetings ( C18th).  ' Thy Kingdom come' - French events focus on that - 1793/5 -

1814/5 A.D.  The pillar can be considered from the framework - 1089  -1012 B.C. +, where 1982/ 2012 A.D. = Joel and Jonah ( 821/ 791 B.C.).  Jonah's - 40 days -

788/5 -747/5 - 605-4 B.C. - Mesopotamian + ( Nebuchadnezzar's dream).

There's also another pillar - 1740/2 -1818 A.D. - ( European - Austrian succession war/ Bavaria and Anglo/ Indian).  Extrapolate either - 1st to 781 B.C.

( d. Jeroboam II) and 2nd to 806 B.C. ( beginning of reign of Uzziah ).  Both possible to 2022/4 A.D.  Uzziah is noted for an earthquake similar to Jesus' return - ( Zech.). Its

also a connection to 1793/5 A.D. ( 2600 yrs).

From  Ezekiel (55/70 days) we have 140 yr periods 1738/68 - 1878 A.D. ( Balkan independence) and 1753/83 - 18943/5 ( Korean 'independence'). In the area

known for the 'sure mercies of David'.  The schematics?  from 1720/1 A.D. Swedish treaties- Feb. 1, - July 3, 1720 - Sept. 10, 1721 - ( 153/ 434 days) and

British ( Apr. 3, 1721 - June 16, 1722) - 439 days.  From 1585 - 90 A.D.  Brings a review for a previous consideration ( 1584/5 A.D. - 433/6 days ).  Can be relevant for a no. of

pathways - 1555/85 -90 -1605 A.D. ( the years of three popes) - 1978 A.D. (1579 A.D.) - 2012/5  or 2023/6 A.D.

The schematics for 1765/95 A.D. for the Israelite empire.  For France its the pillar - 1714/5 - 1791/2 A.D. - July 14, 1789 - Sept.3, 1791 ( 781 days) and the Austrian monarchy

Feb. 20, 1790 - Mar. 1, 1792 ( 740 days). Obvious connection to the Altar - Moses/ Joshua - for a deliverance of God's church and Israel. Connections?  Deliverance

1945 A.D. (  230 yrs - 1714/5 A.D.) - from 1794 ?   The main focus is a French focal year - Aug. 27, 1788 - Aug 26, 1789.

The Estates general to May 5/6 ( 251/2 days) and events from July 11/4, 1789 - Oct. 24 ( Austrian Netherlands revolt) - July 27 - Dec. 3, 1790 ( 507/10 - 405 -129 days).

For the U.S. its 284 days ( June 21, 1788 - Apr. 1, 1789).  Can connect with the doorway 1736/9 - 1768 A.D. ( Russian/ Ottoman).  From 1514/17 - 1619 - 1895 A.D.) ? 

The focus for the period is Polish ( 1654 -1794 A.D.)  - 252 yrs from 1772 A.D.  The point of interest is the Declaration of Rights ( Aug. 26, 1789 - Aug. 22, 1795) - 2187 days.

From 164 B.C. ( Maccabean)?  For Britain its Indian - Oct. 22, 1764 - Aug. 12, 1765 A.D. ( 294 days) From 1730 A.D.?  

The other schematics of interest are the American war of independence - 1775 -81/3 A.D.  Can be considered 200 yrs from the Dutch revolt - 1575 -79/81 - 1585 A.D.

There are two tribes of Israel of note ( Zebulun/ Issachar - ' call the people to the mountain - to offer sacrifices of righteousness' - Deut.)  - the Dutch and Swedes have been indicated.

Would follow the pattern of 1579/81 -1609/11 -30/2 A.D. ( either 1550 yrs  for Jesus or 2520 yrs from Elijah). 444 yrs denote David/ Josiah - 1082 -639 B.C. 

Dec. 16, 1773 - June 22, 1774;  Mar. 31 - Dec. 1, 1774; Sept. 5, 1774 -  Dec. 1, 1774 - Apr. 18, 1775.  ( 188, 245, 223/5 and  138 days).  Connections?  1753 - 1941/2 A.D.;

1775 -2020  and 1795 - 1882 -2020?     Then to Apr. 18, 1775 - July 2/4, 1776 and Dec. 25, 1776 - Jan. 3 - Aug. 16, 1777 A.D.

( 440/2, 174/6 and 225/34 days).  Should be to 1791-3/5 A.D. The 440 from an Asian doorway - 1336/9 -68 A.D. to 1776/8.  The 234 from Q. Elizabeth ( 1558/9 A.D.)

and the 225 from 1566/8 A.D.  The 174/6 from 1618/20 -40 A.D.  Subsequent? From a Dutch doorway with Swedish connections 1578-82/ 1609 A.D.

George Washington from 1799 A.D.; and from 1848/9 A.D.  224/6 yrs identifies Joseph - ( 1489 -1713/5 B.C.) -  Anglo/ Saxons have a connection.

Dec. 14, 1799 - Apr. 30, 1803 ( Louisiana purchase) - 1233 days - from 550/4 A.D. - 1783/4 A.D. and 1799/ 1803 -1812/4 A.D.

The conclusion occurred over 407 days ( Oct. 19, 1781 - Nov. 30, 1782 ) from 1385 A.D. - possible, or from 1617/9 ( Russian);

and 277 days ( Nov. 30, 1782 - Sept. 3, 1783 A.D.)  From 1516 A.D. or 1747/8 A.D. which fits into the following pillar. 


The next pillar 1740/2 -1818 A.D. ( Austrian/ Bavarian - Anglo/ Indian ) with a Russian connection 1727/30 -40/1 ( 1700 yrs from Jesus), toward Greek independence -

( 1688/9 - Ottoman/ British - 1818/21 -1829 A.D.)  Schematics - Oct. 20/8, 1740 - Oct. 7/18 1748  - 2909 days.  From 1091/89 B.C. - 1818 -1829 A.D.

Also Dec. 16, 1740 - Oct. 9, 1741 ( Prussian) and May. 8, 1741 - Jan. 24, 1742 ( French/ Bavarian).  So 297 and 261 days .  From 1727 and 1763 A.D. ?

The events toward 1829 A.D. - post Napoleonic - June 18, 1815/ Nov. 30, 1818 ( 1261 days). Greek - (Mar. 25, 1821- Jan.13, 1822),  (Nov. 16, 1828 - Mar.22 - Nov. 30, 1829)

and Russian ( Oct. 1, 1827 - Feb. 22, 1828 A.D.) -  294, 126, 253 and 145 days.  From 1730; 1683/5 A.D. to 1810/1 - 1829 and 1768/71 A.D.

1788/ 1818 A.D. - an Australian doorway with Bavarian connections. 1938 a sesquicentenary with Austrian connections - a positive pathway? Feb.12/ Mar 12 - Sept 15 -22/4 -Oct 10

187, 194/6 and 212 days - from 1837, 1828/30 and 1812 A.D.  Also for South American independence. 

The connections go to 1757/61 A.D. ( Anglo/ Indian -sack of Delhi ) and the Seven years war - 1756/63 A.D. - concluding with May 22, 1762 - Feb. 10/15, 1763 ( 269 days) or

a 2361 days ( from Aug. 29, 1756) for a 359 -338 B.C. (479/7 B.C.) from Philip of Macedon.  From 1755 A.D.? ( Lisbon devastated by earthquake/  tsunami ).


We come to the previously mentioned fixture - The Candlestick (1793/5 -1931 A.D.). A feature connected to Gold and Oil - note the mineral reserves.

2600 yrs from Uzziah and 1900 yrs from Jesus.  Tectonics are a feature for the base. A gateway to the next 1000 yrs - both periods of Israelite dominance.

Noted by Isaiah - " in the last days the mountain of the Lord's house established in the top of the mountains, and exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it

 - beat their swords into plowshares and spears into pruninghooks' . The hope of the U.N.

Anglo Saxon nations have been more open than any others.  Started off with deep religious convictions - various missionary societies. 

Now its the Africans and Islanders with more. ' the word of the Lord from Jerusalem' - the establishment of Judah ( Israel) ( 1948/9 - the ' times of the Gentiles' - Luke 21 - ).

' for out of Zion shall go forth the law' - how many Bibles are in circulation.  The major fulfilment is yet to come.

The central branch - 1st French republic and the British Commonwealth.  Stirrings of Indian independence from Gandhi.  Noted by Revolutions - American, French,

Chinese and Russian.   Then there's ancillary branches - six watersheds - 1848/9 ( Nth. American/ European revolts); 1866/8 ( Nth American/  Loosening of Austrian hegemony -

Hungary/ Prussia ); 1893/5 ( Thai/ Korean 'independence'; 1933/5 ( Thai watershed, Pilipino independence); 1948/9 ( Asian independence/ Israel, post WWII Europe)

and 1960/2 ( African independence).

Then there's contemporary pillars - 1787 -1863/5 A.D. ( Nth American/ Australia) and a major pillar -1866/7 - 1947 - 1994/7 A.D. ( The Americas/ NATO.). Any no. of

schematics and pathways for events.  Extrapolate from 1793/5 ( Uzziah), a 2600 yrs to 577 B.C. ( conclusion of Nebuchadnezzar insanity) - 2024 A.D.  Has reference to

the Evolutionary concept - what we would be like without ' human intellect' ( our spiritual component).  As mentioned the flow of events for all nations are toward Jesus'

return.  We come into the framework for the ' Day of the Lord' - various scenarios can be detailed.  The flow would indicate 140 + 220 days, plus an overlapping 150 days of

the Beast's plague.  Healing begins with Jesus' return - either physical or environmental ( Mal.).  Waters flowing out from Jerusalem to the Mediterranean and Red seas - the 'tongue

of the Egyptian sea' ( Isa.) is closed tectonically  - Gulf of Suez?  - how long would it take to affect seas worldwide  - 220 days? Indications are for  60 days to  nullify the plague's

affect,  plus the ' lame shall leap and the blind see' ( Isa. 35; Zech. 14 - ; Ezek. 47 - ). 

1787 - 1863/5 A.D.  - Anglo/ American and French/ Vietnamese.  Schematics - May 13, 1787 - Jan. 18/20, 1788 - June 10, 1791 A.D. ( 250/2 + 1237 =1489 days)

From 550/4 A.D. - 1787 -91A.D. and the Vietnamese doorway - (1772 (87) 1802) +  535 A.D. ( Indonesian).  The U.S. Constitution ( June 21, 1788 - Dec. 15, 1791 A.D.) - 1272 days.?

From Clovis ( 481/511 A.D. -540/3 -561) to 1753/83 - 93 - 1812/5 A.D. to  Charles Martel - 710 -732 -751/4 A.D.  Then to the other end - U.S. Civil war -

begins and ends with 50 days ( Dec. 20, 1860 - Feb.1 -8/9, 1861 - Feb. 17 - Apr. 9, 1865) - 1470 days - from 554 A.D. ? 

There's also the French in Indochina ( Aug. 30, 1858 - June 5, 1862 - Aug. 11, 1863 ) - 1375 and 432 days.  An Asian 649 and 1592 /3 A.D.?

The 60 years? Burma ( 1824/6 - 1885/6 A.D.) and Vietnam ( + 220) - ( 1802/5 - 1862 A.D.).  Vietnam for a French/ U.S. connection 1862/5 - 75 and 1962/5 -75

( a centenary from 1924 A.D.? ); also 70 yrs -1954 A.D. ( 1805/15 - 1875 A.D.). A current 60 yrs ? - 1964 + ( Bestial aspects of the Vietnamese war).

The Central branch - The 1st French republic was anti -clerical - Nov.10, 1793 - June 8, 1794 - Feb. 21, 1795 ( 210/ 258 days).  From 1814 and (1758 (66) 1788). The Stamp Act

to raise revenue from the American colonies.  256/8 relates to Esther.  Imperial conferences 1926 ( Oct. 19 - Nov. 23) and 1930 ( Oct. 1 - Nov. 14) - Dec. 11, 1931

( Statute of Westminster).  The 1st conf. includes the Balfour declaration for a Jewish homeland, so the flow is 1927 - 1949 A.D. ( Asian).  So 1442 and 436 days - from 1588

and 581 A.D.?  Also the time of the Kellogg/ Briand  and Litvinov pacts outlawing war - unfortunately we don't know how to get there.  Aug. 27/ Sept. 26, 1928 - Feb.6/9 -27, 1929 A.D.

- 163/6 + days -   would seem to indicate 1765/95 - 1928/31 - 1949 A.D. or 140 yrs from 1789 - 1914/17-9 - 1929 A.D.

From the base its a consideration to the fall of Napoleon. Oct. 16/9, 1813 - Mar. 31/ Apr. 11, 1814 ( 163/6- 177 days); the Congress of Vienna ( Nov. 1, 1814 - June 9, 1815)

 - 220 days and the war of 1812 ( June 18 - Dec. 24, 1814 A.D.) - 920 days.  920 connects the fall of Jerusalem and subsequently of Egypt and Babylon.  163/6 days comes up twice -

1814 and 1929 A.D.  Should be from 1812/5 - 1978/89 A.D. - the pillar flow of 3000 yrs from 1089 B.C.  For the French 1795 - 1804 ( + 9 days for Waterloo - June 18) forward.

From here to the major pillar - 1566/8 - 1947 -1994/7 A.D.  Basically 300 yrs from a similar pillar.  From 1866/8 its a German/ Japanese pillar to 1945 A.D. and a Nth. American

watershed.  Opens a consideration for 1221/9  - 1089 B.C. -  Gideon and Jepthah were Manassehites. ( prophetically - the one great nation of Joseph - The U.S.).  Any current

extrapolation would be to David/ Goliath ( 1064 B.C.) or 25 yrs from 1997 A.D.  The time of the ' Seven weeks war' leading to the dismemberment of the German confederation

of 1815.  July 26 - Aug. 23, 1866 to Feb. 17 ( Hungary) and Apr. 16, 1867 A.D. - 206, 236 and 264 days.  From 1818, 1788 and 1760 A.D.  - possible. Configuring 1760 ? Prussian

successes - 1727/30 -60 A.D.  More significant for the Franco - German war of 1870/1 -and the fall of Napoleon III. Though the flow would be for the doorway 1848/78 A.D.

to 2024/6 A.D.  ( French Constitution of 1875  - 149 days ( Sept. 1, 1870 - Jan. 28, 1871).  The Nth American section - Mar. 29/30 -  July 1 - Oct. 18, 1867 

( Canada/ Alaskan purchase) - 94 and 203 days; and Mexican ( Maximillian I - June 10, 1864 - June 19, 1867 - 1104 days).  Connections?  - should be 203 yrs from 1821 A.D.

( Mexican independence ) and 1104* 2 (2208 yrs) from 264 B.C. - 1945 A.D.  For Canada the start of a period ( 1867 -1871 -3 A.D.) 94 yrs? - the flow of the Altar of Incense -

1893/1924 - 1930/1 A.D. ( 875 B.C. - Restoration of the House of David) or Josiah -602 B.C. - deliverance of the 3 Hebrews from the fiery Idol furnace) + 94 yrs. 

Interestingly two significant 258/9 day periods ( Apr. 25, 1915 - Dec. 8/ Jan. 8, 1916 and Oct. 12/ Nov. 11, 1918 - June 28, 1919 A.D. From 1765/ 95 A.D.?

The configuration of the pillar shows in 1944/5 A.D. ( June 6 - Oct. 14, 1944 and Apr. 2 - Aug. 6/9, 1945) - 129/130 days. 

The flow can be the start for a period - toward Asian independence and the Israeli war of independence.  ( 1948/9). There's a future exodus back to Palestine.

Jerusalem is centrally located for Asia, Africa and Europe with designated tiers of Israelite inheritance. ( Ezek.)

A 24 year consideration (Oct. 14 - Nov. 7, 1944 - Roosevelt) and Aug. 6/9 - Sept. 2, 1945 ( U.S.S. Missouri signing) -  from 1995/7 A.D. or a possible  - 129/30 yrs from

1893/5 - 1923/4 - 1945 A.D.  Toward 1947 - The U.S. Marshall plan for European recovery and Gen. Macarthur's warning of ' Armageddon' ( 1951 A.D.).

Significant 168/9 day periods - Aug. 14/15 - Jan.30, 1948 ( India); July 19/20 - Jan. 4, 1950  (Burma/ Indonesia) and Israeli ( Nov. 29 - May 14, 1938).  From a British doorway -

1840 (52) -1872 A.D. toward 1856 A.D. ( Crimean war involved Jerusalem).

Next to 1994/7 A.D. ( NAFTA, NATO) - ' partnership for peace' with Russia.  A focal year for the America's -  Nov. 17, 1993 - Jan 1 - July 1 -24 - Dec. 9/11 - 17 - Jan. 1 , 1995.

( NAFTA, Zapitistas, Brazil, CARICOM , a Summit of the Americas and MERCOSUR).  ( 45 + 204 days) - from 1776 - 1821 A.D.  184? - 1840 -1863  - ( British doorway) to

Apr. 7/10, 1862 - Sept 22 the emancipation declaration -Jan. 1, 1863 for African civil rights-  266, 100 days - from 1758/9 - 1924 A.D.?      Brazilian events have a similar focus

 - May 13, 1888 - Nov. 15, 1889 A.D.( 551 days) - from 1453 - 2004 A.D.  2004 is significant for additional NATO members.

Also for African events - Apr. 6 -26/29 - May 10 - July 18, 1994 - the bestial events in Rwanda/ Burundi.  ( 103 days) - from 1899/ 1901 A.D.  34 yrs  possibly

from 1990/2 ( Nelson Mandela).  Note the Boer war ( 1899 -1902).

1920 -1997 can be a pillar ( U.S. / Russian) -  for Russia toward 1991 - 1995/ 7 A.D.; for the U.S. the Naval treaties to events of 1942 ( gives emphasis for 1620 A.D. +)

and the Russian offensives - Jan. 2/5 -Mar. 31, 1942 and Apr. 18 -July 29, 1942 - (85 and 102 days).  From 1936/9 and 1920/2 A.D.?

Also for Europe - League of Nations and E.U. /  Amsterdam Tr. - Nov. 1, 1993 - Norwegian Winter Olympics ( Feb. 12/27) -Mar. 1, 1994 - Jan. 1, 1995; Oct. 2, 1997 - May 1, 1999 A.D.

118/20, 306 and 576 yrs.  From 1448 ( France) - previous Tr. of Paris ( Apr. 18, 1951 - July 23, 1952 - 462 days) - from 1562 A.D., 1718/48 ( Austrian) and

1905 A.D. ( Norwegian independence). Europe has a positive pathway as the hope of peace between its members; unfortunately events can be  subverted.

There's one 'era' of the Church that may be of interest  - Sardis.  ( Rev. 3).  Historically related to the nation of Lydia and subsequently with Pergamus.  So were talking about

events from 1221 - 716/09 - 546 B.C. and 264/3 B.C. - 27 A.D.  - 505/ 12 yrs and 289/90 yrs.  Both could have a connection to Jesus - from 1730/1 A.D. and 1827/31 A.D. ( from 1314/5).

Lydia's fall  at 193 yrs ( 739 - 546 B.C.) from Israel's fall - 721/18 B.C.  1827/31 A.D. ( 1800 yrs) - for the Mormons and Seventh day Adventists and their 1843/4 prediction.

Were 2300 yrs not from 457 B.C. but from a Seleucid doorway ( 321/ 281 B.C.).  1847/8 A.D. - the U.S.  benefited from the Mexican war.  Being a Christian is being a ' spiritual Jew'.

There is a warning given.  Brings to mind the ' Azariah Chamberlain saga'.  Her death occurred within a 80 day period for a woman to be cleansed after child birth. The Chamberlain's

trial occurred over 1196 days ( Oct. 29, 1982 - Feb. 6, 1986 A.D.).  1150 + 45 days - possible;  and the former exoneration ( Feb.20, 1981) - 187 yrs from 1837 A.D.?

We also enter the other section of Ezekiel's warning  - 40 yrs for Judah.  Israeli involvement in Lebanon 1978 - 1982 A.D., with the emphasis on 1982. Could 1980 be

relevant?  From the Entrance - Agricola from 77 -84/5 A.D. for the Israeli 1977 - 84 with U.S. withdrawal from Lebanon.  The flow is positive, but with some hiccups -

events of Apr. 18 -Oct. 23, 1983 ( 188 days) - from 1836 A.D. ( Alamo).  Major middle eastern wars from 1979/80 A.D.         


We now come to the concluding fixture - The Veil, a consideration forward for 1000/ 1100 yrs.  A no. of pillars - 1910/2 -1989; 1914 -1991/2 as a stater.  For doorways its

a consideration for a Josiah ( 639/ 09 B.C.) framework.  The focus for 1100 yrs relates to the Church ( 144,000 -New Jerusalem).  For the 1000 its similar to Jesus' return - Satan

being judged and a physical resurrection of all people who have lived.  The 1000 yrs is to prepare for that event. Satan measures the ' Most Holy' as he was once ' the covering Cherub' .

Satan purely means ' adversary'.  However, there's no counsel or power against God.  Satan is compared to a storm/ tempest. In that context God would be a Cyclone.

Satan comes as a 'deliverer'.  His prophet as deceiving through' lying wonders' - the cult of the ' mark of the Beast'.   This is his world - which already has shaky social foundations.

Currently, for the Church - the doorway 1970/ 2001 A.D. for a 1150/4 yrs.  Another possibility is 1966/96 A.D. ( 1149/19 B.C.) forward to 6/9 A.D. - Chinese.

A 1260 yrs from 1765/ 95 A.D.  Falls of Jerusalem can focus forward. 

The pillars are either on a flow of 3000 yrs or 200 yrs.  Extrapolate to 2012 A.D. ( 989 B.C.), and currently an extra 12 yrs.  Any significant 12 yr period ?( Josiah - 639 -627 B.C.).

362 yrs has less significance than 350 yrs - either N.Y. ( 1626, 1664 and 1674 A.D.) or Jan Sobieski ( 1674/ 96 A.D.); a more likely 12 yr period is Jehosophat's 3rd yr to the

Syrian -Israelites wars of Ahab ( 909 -898/7 B.C.) where he knew who the true God was.  Note the no.'s - 232 and 32.  From 1792 and 1992 A.D.?, or a 92 yrs from 1932 A.D. -

1932/62 -2012 A.D. ( Japan, Burma - 989 - 897 B.C.);   for 200 yrs - an Asian 1820 (24/6 )1850  - China and Burma. The Taipings -'the gate of Heavenly peace' - (1850 -64 A.D. ).

From Solomon China has a  pillar for two Emperors - 1077  ( 1051) 1000 B.C.  for 3000 yrs and possibly 3100 yrs.  The events for 1949 A.D. - Jan.15 -21 -Apr 24/ May23

( European) - Sept. 30/ Oct 1.  - 99, 160/ 131 days - from 1765 - 1864/93 - 2024 A.D.  An Altar of Incense pathway.  Deng/ Dung has a Jerusalem connection - 1000 cubits.

1012/15 -25 A.D. ( Anglo/ Danish - Polish) - 1912/15 - 25 A.D. +;  or the Millennium - 1966 -76 - 96/7 A.D. +.  960 A.D. -1860 - 1956/7 -59/61 ( Hundred flowers / Great leap

forward) - 100 yrs from 1920/4 A.D.?  ( Soviet influence from 1950/4 A.D.).

The Veil is removed in Jesus - any connecting pillar? -  1925 -2002 A.D.  - 1900 yrs from the Entrance with a similar format - 1925/9 -1958/62 and 1998/ 2002 A.D. ( Events to the Pacts

outlawing war - Charles De Gaulle / Algerian independence and the U.S. war with Al -qaeda ), currently a 22 yr consideration.

Ancient alphabet letters had numerical values.  The Hebrew 22 letters.  22 can mean measure or consider. 95, 62 and 22 yrs - there's an individual who can connect all three -

Hezekiah ( 723 -709 -694 B.C.) - To 701/699 B.C. ( Egyptian reversal/ Median revolts - (817 - 677 B.C. - Trojan war)); 660 B.C. ( India/ Japan - 1260 yrs from Abram - a notional

800/798 - 660 B.C. - Joel)  and 627 B.C. ( 767 - 627 B.C.) - Josiah  ( slight variances). 

So the Geo -political events are for an invasion of the Middle east by a northern power, which will ultimately  involve the U.S.  - ' a time of Jacob's trouble but he will be delivered

through it' ( Jer.).  A continuation of the crusading period - 1270/2 - 1291 A.D.  Can give weight for a 750 day period to the ' Heavenly signs'.     



As humans were small fry in the scheme of things.  Were 10 to the index 0 =1.  We have the potential through Jesus to be a member of the God family - a 10 to the index 2 or a

possible 3.  Eternal life is a gift.  Many millions are waiting for that event at Jesus' return.  There's a large group who make the right decision and escape the ' Day of the Lord'

( Rev. 7 ).  Surviving the climax of the age is possible - millions will;  - the Great tribulation for 25% casualties.  The ' Day of the Lord' - has been compared to the Noahian

deluge - major Eurasian wars -one inflicting 33 % casualties, with the trumpet plagues having a worldwide affect - fires, poisoned waters and oceanic disequalibrium.      

The key is having God's word and Law in your heart.  There's no greater precedent for Law than Moses at Mt. Sinai.   No greater prophet than Jesus.  Searching for a

group? -  Who's been preaching ' the gospel of the Kingdom of God '  ( Matt. 24.)? rather than about Jesus - His message, rather than His person.  One group comes to mind -

the late Worldwide church of God ( H.W. Armstrong - 1892 - 1986).  Unfortunately, dissolved and splinted.  Some offshoots  have continued his message.  Retaining ' Church of God'

in their name is important - Living, United, Philadelphia and Intercontinental Churches of God.  Anglo - Saxon nations are open to ALL people - so is the Church - race is not a

prerequisite.  The church's history is mainly from 1933/4 - 1995.  Could be a reflection for 1963 - 2024/5 A.D. using a Josiah framework.  The last pastor for this period was of

Russian descent - Joseph Tkach ( d. 1995). Coincided with Russia joining the western community and the Church mainstream American evangelism.

The admonition of the Gospels is to ' repent' and believe the good news of the Kingdom of God.  Its an on going process - were all affected by Adam's sin and Satan's wavelength.

The Church may have an historical template - 911/881 B.C. ( Elijah/ Elisha ) - 821 B.C. ( Joel/ Day of the Lord) - for 1933/64 - 2024 A.D.  - where Joash ( 875 - 835 B.C.) formats

Josiah.  Another connection for that pathway would be an Anglo/ Dutch doorway ( 1624/54 A.D.) -1660/1 -1714/5 A.D. ( Aug. 1, 1714 - Sept 1, 1715).  Extrapolate from 821 B.C.

- 510/7 B.C. ( 311/14 yrs) for Greek/ Roman constitutional reforms - 2025/8 A.D.  The Roman republican  army consisted of 193 centuries.  Note the previous 1993 yrs.

1800 yrs plus 193 for Belgian independence -  July 26/29 - Feb. 7, 1831 A.D. ( 193/6 days), or the framework for Polish aspirations - Dec. 20/ Jan. 20 - Sept 8, 1831 ( 231 days).

From 1828/31 ( + Greek) and 1793 A.D. ?




The above is an individual comment and does not reflect any current  organisational focus.    All future dates are a consideration.  Not something anyone would want to contemplate,

at least not in the short term - ' Climate emergency'? - the Great tribulation will certainly be that - cause? - not just C02 - what affect do the ozone holes have? ( the Polar regions and

Himalayan glaciers are a main concern)  - let alone prophesied incidences of war.   You can have a part in saving the planet  ( ' for the Elect's sake those days will be cut short')

and being in a government which will bring peace and last forever

All the best. 






















